Thursday, February 4, 2016

Teeth Whitening at a Cosmetic Dentist Office or Over-the-Counter?

Yellowing or stained teeth are one of the most common complaints people have about their appearance, and it is one of the primary reasons why people visit their cosmetic dentist in Tulsa. However, there are also at-home or over-the-counter teeth whitening solutions available, and you may be wondering if those products work better. With a closer look at the differences, you may decide that now is a great time to set up an appointment with your cosmetic dentist for professional teeth whitening service. The Products Used There are a wide range of solutions available for whitening your teeth, and this includes over-the-counter gels, trays, paint-on liquids, toothpastes and more. The results of using these products can vary, but generally, you will find that the products used in a professional dental office are better suited to your needs.